I have this dream my book is done (yes the one I never let anyone read or probably ever will that's why it's a dream) and it has been published. It instantly goes to #1 on the New York Times best sellers list and C and I have enough money to leave our remodeling behind and start all over from scratch building a home from the ground up. C shares this dream and constantly asks me to let him read the book. Silly man!!! We plan the things we would like to have in our custom home, our little Shangri-La. We talk about giant bathtubs like in Harry Potter #4. We talk about stone walls, and fireplaces, glass mosaic backsplashes, and real wood floors that is all installed by skilled tradesmen.

Heck, I have a daughter now little Gouda would love a dollhouse like this when she gets bigger. Maybe it can be a family Heirloom???
Yeah, I still can picture C grabbing his chest….
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