Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hello my blog readers. I have been working on a few things with Mandy on how to get this blog really up and running. We have come up with a few segments that we will post on. We haven't decided how often these will appear; weekly, monthly, bi-weekly? Maybe they could even show up when we have something great that falls into these categories.

Here is what we have so far.. Please leave feedback with us.

1.     Ask Sher - People can ask if I've done something they are going to attempt and I can lead them how to stay away from the mistakes C and I made

2.     Design by Democracy - where  a choice of what is going into the  latest project is presented and you readers can vote on it.

3.     Homes that inspire us - we show pictures of places that gave us ideas

4.     Good Deals - like the Home Depot deal previously posted

5.     Confessions of a Remodeling Moron - where we discuss stupid things we've done and how we would do it different now that we know

6.     Dream Vs. Reality - what I want to do to my house if money and time wasn't an object and how I take the dream and convert it into Chateau Ghetto reality or at least a version of it.

7.     My Custom Home - it sounds dumb but it's the home I've been designing in my head if I ever sell my book (yes I am writing a book and no I won't make anyone read it)  and have money.

These are just a few ideas we have. The first post of Homes that Inspire Us will be posted this week. I promise. I am actually working on it today.

Stay tuned for OOPS Paint What a Delight!


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