Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Suprises of Remodeling!

Last October marked the 5th year of our remodel. It's not that it has taken us this long it's that stuff keeps breaking, collapsing, and generally getting moldy. I think having kids has definitely sped this up. Also if I am going to be honest and I promised you readers I would be we have broken a lot of stuff while we were figuring out what we were doing.

This post isn't about that though. This post is about some of the horrific things we have found as we have torn things down room by room. Some rooms twice just cuz it was so much fun the first time...

Not knowing I was going to start this blog in years past I didn't think to take pictures but I swear that C and different family members were present when everything was found.

I think my favorite was when we removed the old 1986 horror that was the mirror in the half bath.

The following was found behind the mirror:
  • a condom wrapper
  • a note from the Southern Nevada Health District informing the previous owners their "Test" results were back and they needed to come in and speak with a counselor.
  • a yellow sticky note with the words "Your Parole officers name is _____ ____. His number is  ________." Name and numbers were redacted for obvious reasons. Somewhere we probably have that note. C never throws anything away.
The following was found when we removed a section of the wall behind the water heater in the storage space under the stairs:

  • Girl on girl porn!
The piece DE la resistance was found when we ripped out a filler piece in  base cabinets in the kitchen:

  • a corona beer bottle filled with pee!

Well, if you are brave or dumb enough to jump into the world or the fixer upper just expect some freaky stuff...

Or maybe we just bought from some major freaks!


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