Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Neighbors put in a shower!

Shortly after C and I moved into the Chateau Ghetto he began saying how much he wanted to put a shower in the downstairs bathroom. The downstairs bathroom is really narrow and long. It has a gigantic vanity in it and a potty and that is all. Over the years it has also been three different colors and will soon be a 4th! C wants to paint it purple and since right now it is Pepto Bismal pink with yellow stripes (I added the stripes to detract from the pink) anything would be an improvement. That's what happens when you call your husband on his sarcasm and you got to live with it.

I keep telling C that it is impossible to put a new shower in that bathroom for our budget. Turns out our Neighbors did it and they spent just $4,000. Now C is begging me to let him do it. Based on our past mistakes I tell you this one has me nervous! I got to admit though it does sound really neat!


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