Monday, April 30, 2012

House Cleaner vs House Keeper

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My mother had rules when we lived at home and there was no deviation from them. One of the rules was you must make your bed before leaving your room for the day. When I was 24 (yes and still @ home) I woke up late for work so I left without making the bed. An hour later my mother called my boss and insisted that I be allowed to come home and make my bed. My boss a sick and twisted fellow named Brian laughed and sent me home to make my bed.

As you can see Rules of House Cleaning were very serious growing up. This are the rules:

  1. decided if you are going to be a house cleaner or house keeper. A House Keeper cleans their house really well and then maintains it. A House Cleaner fights the good fight all the time and cleans when the house needs it. (I'm a house cleaner)
  2. Before you leave your room, get dressed, make your bed, clean off the floor and get dressed.
  3. Keep your dishes washed and put them away right away.
  4. Keep your counter tops cleaned off.
  5. Keep your floors cleaned.
So are you a House Cleaner or a House Keeper?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Blog Manners

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I have recently learned some things about Blog Manners I thought I would post about for anyone thinking of starting their own blog.

  1. When you feature someone else's post on your site you do not copy and paste the whole thing. Only use a small portion.
  2. Only use 1 or 2 pictures. If you use too many pictures or don't give proper credit they can  take legal action against you for copyright infridgement.
This being said there are a lot of posts that I will be deleting and or fixing in the next few weeks. I have not been approched by any of the sites I have used and I was sure to credit everyone I featured. However, having learned this from a friend I feel it important to share it and to fix anything that might get me in trouble.

I'm still pretty new to this blogging world and there is a lot I still don't know. Please, feel free to share what you know and help me and the rest of the newbie blogging world out. Leave a comment if you want.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Easy Tutu's Anyone can do

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Gouda's Birthday is coming up in June. I am doing a Fairy Princess theme and keeping it small. I've already made the cute head pieces and showed you how to make them too. I really want to do tutu's but I don't sew. However, the party and idea has now been saved! Thanks in totality to Mammalicious Finds!

Amy has posted a wonderful tutorial on how to make Tutu's so easy anyone can do it! Check out her finished pieces?

Easy Tutu's click here to see Amy's site for complete instructions and join me back here soon to see my version using Amy's instructions!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Want to Win your own Cameo?

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Visit Oopsey Daisy Blog
Alison is giving away a Silhouette Cameo plus sketch pens, a $25 download card and all the fun that goes with it!

Having owned a Cameo for a month now I can't tell you how wonderful they are. It is something you must experience first hand!  Go and check it out, enter, and tell them Falling Down House sent you!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Want to Grow Organic?

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Whitney Farms for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Whitney Farms®


I don't know about you but I live in a desert. When you think of desert you don't really think planting your own garden but it can be done here. Through times of economic hardship Americans have always been encouraged to grow as much of their own food as possible. C and I had this in mind the other day as we were walking around the Nursery. We want to grow our own veggies and we want to do it organically.


We will need organic soil and organic plant food. As we walked we came across Whitney Farms.

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Whitney Farms offers organic soil AND organic plant food.

organic soil  organic plant food

Whitney Farms® a full line of 100% natural plant foods and soils with no additives, nothing artificial, just ingredients from the Earth, designed to give you big, beautiful flowers and veggies. We can get the goodness of gardening naturally, with Whitney Farms® plant foods and soils.

Whitney Farms® has 25+ years of leading gardening experience and has improved their products to have:
-low to no dust
-no manure odor
-easy to apply
-Contains beneficial microbes
-Specially designed protein-based blends provide your plants with
both macro and micro-nutrients they need to grow and thrive

This is my pitiful rose garden. I'm going to use the Whitney Farms Organic Plant Food and watch the roses transform int big, bold, beautiful blooms. C and I are also spending some time this weekend to build our veggie garden with peppers, peas, tomatoes, eggplants, and pumpkins. We would not dare trust our organic veggies to anyone but Whitney Farms and you shouldn't either.

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Organic Plant Food

Whitney Farms is offereing Falling Down House readers a $3.00 off coupon by clicking on over to their site.

Whitney Farms®

Be sure to go over and check it out.



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