Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I've Been Stupid

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7 years ago I was diagnosed with a Hilatal Hernia. I was told that I would need surgery soon. However, my Maternal Grandmother had one as well. She died right after surgery. I was frightened and so I ignored the Doctors and went on with my life. At least until yesterday. I woke up feeling bloated and had a lot of Acid Reflux. This isn't that unusual for me if I forget to take my Acid Reflux medicine the night before which I did.

After a few hours it didn't go away. I started throwing up stomach acid. Then I was gripped in the chest with such bad pain I fell to my knees. I called the kids sitter and asked if I could drop them off and take myself to the ER. I'm not sure how I got the kids there but when the sitter opened the door she said I needed and Ambulance. At this time I agreed.

A few short minutes later I was being wheeled out on a gurney and taken to the hospital.

I was stabilized and the diagnosis was a Strangulated Hernia. This means that I need the surgery right away or I risk perforating my stomach. I'm told this is not good.

The ER doc wanted the surgery done within 4 days. However, I can't even get in to see the Surgeon until April 16th. Until then I will be in super pain and just have to deal with it.

I know this is because I let my fear override my common sense 7 years ago and I just feel so very stupid for not taking care of it before I had kids depending on me, before I was in a city without family to help out.

In parting I will say this to all you readers out there in Blogland...

Don't procrastinate surgery!


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